Renewable energy solutions spain

Do solar panels help the environment?

Do solar panels help the environment? – As you might imagine, solar panels are the number one renewable energy solution for the home or business and they have many positive impacts on the environment, they’re helping millions of us, reduce our carbon footprints.

Do Solar Panels Lower Your Grid Dependency?

Solar panels help reduce our reliance on the Spanish national grid. When you produce your own energy with solar panels, you’re not as reliant on the grid and you’re producing your own ‘clean’ energy, which means there’s less demand for energy from traditional sources like coal and natural gas plants. This is good news for the environment because it means we’re using less ‘dirty’ energy, and as a bonus, it also helps reduce your energy bills.

Green renewable energy solutions, like solar panels, are helping people produce their own energy and making their homes more sustainable. Whether that’s through installing solar panels, solar water heaters, installing insulation, or other solutions like UPVC Double Glazing, reducing grid renewable solutions are the way to go.

Do Solar Panel Produce Pollution?

Solar panels don’t produce greenhouse gases, which is one of the main ways they help the environment. Greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane are released into the atmosphere when we use fossil fuels like coal and natural gas to produce energy. These gases trap heat in the atmosphere and cause global warming. So, when you replace the fossil fuels powering your home with clean solar energy, you reduce the amount of greenhouse gas you’re responsible for.

Besides the greenhouse effect, fossil fuel use creates smog, which is most notable in large cities. This is a mixture of particulates from fossil fuels, normal dust, dirt, and heavy metals. Even if you can’t see it, this smog reduces both qualities of life and lifespan by damaging the lungs.

Can Solar Panels Be Recycled?

Finally, solar panels can be broken down into individual materials and almost entirely recycled. Silicon-based solar panels can be broken down into:

  • Glass, of which 93% can be recycled
  • Aluminium, of which 98% can be recycled
  • Cell modules, of which 83% can be reused
  • Silicon wafers, of which 86% can be reused

Thin-film solar panels can similarly be broken down into semiconductor material and glass. This means that when a panel approaches the end of its useful life, its valuable materials and components can be used to make the next generation of green energy. Not only that, but as technology improves, this level of reusability is likely to be improved upon too.

What Is Solar Panel Battery Storage?

Solar panel Battery storage is used to store the energy solar panels produce through daylight hours so it can be used at night or during a power outage. Solar Batteries can be installed on new or existing systems and enhance a solar panel system massively. The power stored in the batteries can be used to run the house in the evening or even charge an electric vehicle via an EV charging point.

How Do I Get Solar Panels Installed?

The simple answer is to contact us, at Solares Energies. We have a team of renewable energy specialists available to talk you through all your options. We can assist with solar panels, home EV charging points, double glazing and more.

Solar Panel Supplier and Installer 

Sadly many companies throughout Spain are not qualified or experienced in, supplying and installing Solar Panel Systems or EV Chargers. Solares Energies with over 15 years of experience has the knowledge and experience in supplying, installing and maintaining solar panels and solar thermal systems. We have a dedicated team of Electricians based around the costa del sol area, covering the whole of Malaga, including Marbella, Estepona, Benalmadena and Manilva.

go-greenWritten By:
Wesley Lally

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